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Business Meeting

Franchise Dispute Resolution

Prevent Litigation, Pursue Mediation or Conciliation

Handle and Resolve Disputes Through Mediation or Conciliation

​(1) For Locals

  • Do not file a case in court or report to the KFTC (Korean Fair Trade Commission) to prevent paying high fees.

    • Reach out to us to use this service immediately at a low cost and we will assist you either through mediation or conciliation.​

(2) For Foreigners

  • Do not file a case in court or report to the KFTC (Korean Fair Trade Commission) as this will take significantly longer than the procedure for locals and higher fees to hire a lawyer.

    • The Korea Fair Transactions in Franchise Business Act (Franchise Act) assures that the plaintiff will be assisted in good faith to either facilitate the dispute through mediation or conciliation.​


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